Renata Šarjaková, 11. červen 2024
Jak proniknout na čínský trh s potravinami a nápoji

Za účelem podpory českých firem, které mají zájem o vstup na čínský trh, uspořádá Ministerstvo zemědělství ČR ve spolupráci s Velvyslanectvím ČR v Pekingu a EU SME Center dne 28. června 2024 od 10 hodin v prostorách Ministerstva zemědělství seminář, jehož cílem je osvětlit čínský trh s potravinami a nápoji včetně jeho specifik.

Pozvánka na seminář pro exportéry potravin a nápojů do Číny

Organizátoři: Ministerstvo zemědělství ČR, Velvyslanectví ČR v Pekingu, EU SME Centre

Čas: 28.6.2024, 10:00 – 14:00 SEČ

Místo: Ministerstvo zemědělství, Těšnov 65/17, Nové Město, 11000 Praha 1

Jazyk: angličtina

Registraci je možné provést na emailu, s dotazy se obracejte na tel.: 221 813 007,mob.: 777 472 337.

Temporary agenda:

10:00 – 10:20

Welcoming words by the Ministry of Agriculture

Welcoming words by the EU SME Centre

10:20 – 12:15

Presentation of the Chinese F&B Market

Daniel Pedraza, Project Director, EIBENS


  • General analysis of the F&B market including its current trends, challenges and opportunities;
  • Assessment of specific sectors of interest (dairy; beers and wines);
  • Key marketing concepts;
  • Recommendations for first time exporters;
  • Q&A.


12:15 – 13:00

Overview of GACC/CIFER registration system and typical challenges faced by EU SMEs. Tips for trade fair participation.

Alessio Petino, Business Advisor, EU SME Centre


  • Overview of the GACC/CIFER system;
  • Common Issues faced by EU SMEs;
  • Recommendations for participating in trade fairs and exhibitions in China;
  • Q&A.


13:00 – 14:00

Networking and light refreshments



Alessio Petino

Business Advisor, EU SME Centre

Alessio has worked for 8+ years on various EU-funded projects in China, mainly conducting policy and regulatory analysis for European companies looking to enter or already in the Chinese market. Key focus areas: market access regulations and barriers, investment attraction policies, standards & compliance – with particular focus on R&D, tech & innovation.

Alessio joined the EU SME Centre in October 2020. He coordinates reports, guidelines and technical assistance to European SMEs; he also delivers training about different market entry approaches and engagements with China, opportunities and risks, as well as do’s and don’ts.

Now based in Italy after having lived in Beijing from 2011 to 2022, Alessio is fully fluent in Chinese and is very passionate about China’s history and food.

Daniel Pedraza

Project Director, EIBENS

Daniel Pedraza is Projects Director at EIBENS, a firm that specialises in market intelligence and communication for the agri-food industry in Asia, with a strong focus on China. The company has offices in Beijing, Ho Chi Minh City, Singapore, and Madrid.

Daniel specialises in creating and implementing smart ways for European agri-food sectors to gain traction with Chinese consumers and industry professionals, assisting them with trade compliance, marketing, and communications. With more than eight years of living and working in China, he helps clients to navigate the sometimes tricky waters of the Chinese market.

Before his time at EIBENS, he worked at the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China and EXTENDA, the trade promotion agency of the Government of Andalusia-Spain in Beijing. He has earned a master’s degree in international business from EOI Business School and holds a dual BA in Business Administration and Economics from the University of Malaga.



Pozvánka na seminář pro exportéry potravin a nápojů do Číny
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